Mariam Namakula - 2 of 6 Shares Sponsored

Mariam Namakula

Center Troas Center

Age 19

First Name Miriam

Last Name Namakula

Date Of Birth 2004-08-30

Gender Female

Favorite Subject English

Favorite Activity Singing

Favorite Color Blue

Mariam, the first born in her family, has two sisters and one brother. Her parents separated. The father ran off and left the responsibility of providing for the children to their mother.  She couldn’t handle the heavy load either so she decided to drop them off to their grandmother.  She also cares for six other children making a total of ten. Feeding the children and paying for their tuition are very challenging for her. Mariam is a kind girl and helps her grandmother to look after the younger children at home.  Supporting her education will be a tremendous help and encouragement to her family.