Mark Ddembe - 1 of 6 Shares Sponsored

Mark Ddembe

Center Kamusenene Center

Age 20

First Name Mark

Last Name Ddembe

Date Of Birth 2004-04-09

Gender Male

Favorite Subject Science

Favorite Activity Soccer

Favorite Color Yellow

Mark is the second born in the family of four children. He has one brother and two sisters. Mark is a joyful boy who stays with both his parents and his siblings. His father has a second wife with whom he had other children. Mark’s mother is a house wife yet the father is a low income earner. The little he earns is divided between the two families. Mark’s mother works hard growing crops on a small piece of property mainly to feed her children.  Mark misses school a lot due to unpaid tuition and lack of school supplies. Your love and support will help him to receive the assistance he needs to attend school and develop his potential. Please pray for him and his family.