Martin Eworu - 1 of 5 Shares Sponsored

Martin Eworu

Center Kamusenene Center

Age 18

First Name Martin

Last Name Eworu

Date Of Birth 2006-01-23

Gender Male

Favorite Subject English

Favorite Activity Soccer

Favorite Color Green

Martin is the first born child in a family of 4 boys and 1 girl. Martin and his siblings live with their grandmother who is a peasant and grows beans and maize to feed the family.  When she has a good season she sells the surplus to meet the needs of the children, including tuition and school supplies. Martin’s grandmother in not in good health and cannot fully provide for the needs of the children. They live in a very poor housing condition and cannot access clean water. Martin walks a distance of 7 miles to school every morning if he is able to attend. Their grandmother hopes that God will answer her prayer that her children would receive the basic needs of life. Your decision to support will restore his hope to attend school and later live a better life. Please pray for Martin and his family.