Mary Anena - 1 of 5 Shares Sponsored

Mary Anena

Center Lagutu Center

Age 14

First Name Mary

Last Name Anena

Date Of Birth 2010-01-10

Gender Female

Favorite Subject Literacy

Favorite Activity Athletics

Favorite Color Yellow

Mary is born in a family of two children; one boy and one girl. Her parents separated and each of them went their own way. They left Mary and her older brother Emmanuel with their paternal grandparents. The grandparents have 4 other grandkids under their care. The grandparents don’t have any jobs. The grandma grows a few food crops in their backyard for home consumption. She is short-sighted and generally weak. Mary and her brother live a very difficult life due to the lack of food, medication, tuition, and clothing. Your sponsorship will make Mary’s life better.