Mercy Mariam Kyomuhendo - 5 of 6 Shares Sponsored

Mercy Mariam Kyomuhendo

Center Lusaka Center

Age 17

First Name Mercy

Last Name Kyomuhendo

Date Of Birth 2006-11-29

Gender Female

Favorite Subject English

Favorite Activity Singing

Favorite Color Yellow

Mercy, the third born in her family, has two brothers and one sister. Her parents often have misunderstandings and arguments. The father has another wife with more children.  Mercy’s dad is temporarily home because of his work which necessitates him to move from one place to another but it earns him very little wages. Mercy’s mom is a low income earner and she cannot provide her children with most of the basic needs, including tuition. Mercy was lucky to be taken in by Imani Milele and she now has access to the basic needs she was missing. However, she still needs support with tuition and school supplies so she can be in school full time. Your prayers and support will help Mercy reach her goal of becoming a doctor, thereby transforming her life.