Mukutalu Ssebuyungo - 2 of 5 Shares Sponsored

Mukutalu Ssebuyungo

Center Lugazi Center

Age 12

First Name Mukutalu

Last Name Ssebuyungo

Date Of Birth 2011-10-01

Gender Male

Favorite Subject Social Studies

Favorite Activity Playing Soccer

Favorite Color Yellow

I am an only child. I lost both my parents; my father in 2013 and my mother in 2020. I live with my aunt who takes care of 6 other people. She rents a small piece of land on which she grows crops majorly for food. She sells a portion of the harvest to earn a little money. Her income is too little to provide for all our needs. At school, I like studying and learning new things. In my free time, I like playing soccer with my friends and singing.