Noah Kasibante - 1 of 5 Shares Sponsored

Noah Kasibante

Center Lugazi Center

Age 12

First Name Noah

Last Name Kasibante

Date Of Birth 2012-04-23

Gender Male

Favorite Subject Drawing

Favorite Activity Playing with toys

Favorite Color Yellow

Noah is the 3rd born in a family of 3 children, 2 boys and 1 girl. Noah and his siblings live with their paternal grandmother. Their mother died in a motor accident and the whereabouts of their father is unknown. The grandmother is a peasant farmer who grows beans and corn to provide food at home. She is too old to work and pay for Noah’s tuition or even meet his other needs. Noah loves going to school and his favorite subject in school is drawing. His dream is to become a pilot when done with school. Your prayer and support will save Noah from dropping out of school.