Patience Aringo - 0 of 5 Shares Sponsored

Patience Aringo

Center Lagutu Center

Age 16

First Name Patience

Last Name Aringo

Date Of Birth 2007-08-04

Gender Female

Favorite Subject Mathematics

Favorite Activity Athletics

Favorite Color Green

Patience is born in a family of two children; one boy and one girl. She is the first born. Patience stays with both her parents who grow crops like millet, cassava, peas and yams on a very small piece of land for their home consumption. They stay in a grass thatched house made of mud and bamboo. Accessing clean water is one of their greatest challenge; they collect the water from a pond which is about 2 miles away. The nearest health center is approximately the same distance away. Patience loves school with a passion but her parents can’t afford paying for her tuition. Support Patience with her education and make a difference in her life.