Center Lagutu Center
Age 19
First Name Patricia
Last Name Acayo
Date Of Birth 2005-09-09
Gender Female
Favorite Subject Numbers
Favorite Activity Dodge Ball
Favorite Color Yellow
Patricia has 5 brothers and 4 sisters. She is the seventh born child. She lives in a remote community with no access to most life’s needs. The family collects water from a pond about 2 miles away. The nearest health center is about 7 miles from Patricia’s home. Most of the people in Patricia’s community are unemployed. Patricia’s parents also have no sure source of income. Crop growing has long been their occupation. A portion is sold to meet family needs and the rest is reserved for food. The parents struggle in times of drought because most of their crops dry up. Paying Patricia’s tuition and providing her with school supplies is their greatest challenge. With your support through sponsorship, Patricia will be able to attend school and attain an education for a better life.