Patricia Nakigozi - 0 of 5 Shares Sponsored

Patricia Nakigozi

Center Kitongo Center

Age 14

First Name Patricia

Last Name Nakigozi

Date Of Birth 2009-10-22

Gender Female

Favorite Subject Mathematics

Favorite Activity Netball

Favorite Color Yellow

I am the 2nd born child of my mother’s 5 children. My parents separated in 2018. My father has another wife with 6 other children. He does not send any financial support to my mother. My siblings and I live with our mother in a one-room mud-and-sticks house. She depends on the crops she grows on her small piece of land to sustain the family. What she earns is not enough to meet our needs. I love school but my mother can’t pay for my tuition. Your support will help to keep me in school.