Peresiano Zabalinda - 0 of 5 Shares Sponsored

Peresiano Zabalinda

Center Kamusenene Center

Age 12

First Name Peresiano

Last Name Zabalinda

Date Of Birth 2011-06-15

Gender Male

Favorite Subject Shading

Favorite Activity Soccer

Favorite Color Red

Peresiano is the seventh born in a family of eight children. He has four brothers and three sisters. He and his siblings live with both parents who grow a few crops such as corn and beans on a small piece of land. This isn’t a reliable source of food or income as plants may dry up during long droughts. Providing clothing, health care and good nutrition is a great challenge to the parents. Peresiano wakes up at 6:00am daily to walk to school. He would like to become a teacher, but sometimes misses school due to lack of tuition and school supplies. It is his mother’s desires that Peresiano and his siblings be attend school to give them a better life. Please choose to love, support and pray for Peresiano to attend school and achieve his career goal of teacher.