Center Kitongo Center
Age 13
First Name Peter
Last Name Clever Kazibwe
Date Of Birth 2011-11-11
Gender Male
Favorite Subject Reading
Favorite Activity Playing with toys
Favorite Color Red
Peter is the sixth born of the seven children in his family having three brothers and three sisters. Despite the fact that he stays with both his parents, he often lacks most of the basic necessities. His parents are peasants who grow crops on a small scale mainly for food. When the crops are ready for harvest, they harvest them, reserve some for food and sell off some to earn a little money to help them meet other children's basic necessities like clothing, tuition, medication, and others. It is sometimes challenging to the parents because there is usually not enough harvest to sell. Peter is still in kindergarten but his parents find difficulty in paying his tuition. It will even be harder if he goes to higher levels of education. The lack of education will surely affect his future.