Peter Kasumba - 1 of 5 Shares Sponsored

Peter Kasumba

Center Kamusenene Center

Age 15

First Name Peter

Last Name Kasumba

Date Of Birth 2009-02-03

Gender Male

Favorite Subject Mathematics

Favorite Activity Singing

Favorite Color Blue

Peter is the sixth born in a family of eight children. He has four brothers and three sisters. He and his siblings live with both their parents who grow a few crops like corn and beans on a small piece of land basically for food. This isn’t a reliable source of food or income as plants may dry up during long droughts. Providing clothing, health care and good nutrition is a great challenge to the parents. Peter gets up early in order to walk to school. He sometimes misses school due to lack of tuition and school supplies. His mother desires that Peter and the siblings be able to attend school. This is their only way to a better life in the future. Your support will help meet Peter’s needs for a bright future.