Center Kamusenene Center
Age 17
First Name Phoebe
Last Name Mwizhawimana
Date Of Birth 2007-10-21
Gender Female
Favorite Subject Mathematics
Favorite Activity Netball
Favorite Color Blue
Phoebe is born in a family of eleven children comprising of five boys and six girls, her being the sixth born. She stays with both her parents who love her so much and work hard to provide for most of her basic necessities. They are peasants who earn little from the sale of their harvested crops. They find most difficulty in paying for the children’s tuition, clothing them and paying for their medication in case of any illness. Phoebe is so helpful and active both at home and at school. After school, she helps her parents to collect water, gather firewood and wash dishes. Please remember Phoebe in your prayers. Your love and support through sponsorship will help her to receive the assistance she needs to grow and develop.