Regina Namuliika - 1 of 5 Shares Sponsored

Regina Namuliika

Center Kitongo Center

Age 13

First Name Regina

Last Name Namuliika

Date Of Birth 2010-12-02

Gender Female

Favorite Subject Numbers

Favorite Activity Dodgeball

Favorite Color Yellow

Regina is the first born of 2 girls and 1 boy. She and her siblings live with both their parents in a small house made out of mud and sticks. Regina’s parents struggle to provide adequate meals for their children because they can only grow a few crops in their garden. With no source of income, they find it difficult to clothe the children and take them to a health center when an illness arises. Paying for Regina’s tuition and providing her with needed school supplies is impossible for the poor parents. Regina has attended school periodically in the past.  With your sponsorship she will be able to reach her career goal of becoming a nurse.  In addition to tuition and school supplies, sponsorship will provide one meal while at school.