Ronald Opiyo - 1 of 6 Shares Sponsored

Ronald Opiyo

Center Lagutu Center

Age 16

First Name Ronald

Last Name Opiyo

Date Of Birth 2007-07-11

Gender Male

Favorite Subject English

Favorite Activity Soccer

Favorite Color Blue

Ronald comes from a family of two girls and one boy. He lives with his mother in Gulu, Northern Uganda in an area which had been affected by tribal war for many years.  Both of Ronald's parents were killed by rebels. His father died of his wounds but his mother survived. However, she was left with permanent damage and can no longer do heavy work.   Even with this disability she is still responsible for providing for her children. Ronald always lacks food, clothing, medication, tuition and school supplies. Ronald is most likely to drop out of school and continue in the same life style unless he would become sponsored.  By sponsoring Ronald, you can give him hope for a bright future of going to school and becoming the doctor he desires to be.