Rose Nakanjako - 1 of 6 Shares Sponsored

Rose Nakanjako

Center Kassanda Education Center

Age 18

First Name Rose

Last Name Nakanjako

Date Of Birth 2006-04-21

Gender Female

Favorite Subject Science

Favorite Activity Netball

Favorite Color Blue

Rose is the third born of three girls and three boys. Rose’s parents are unemployed but work hard growing crops on a small piece of land to raise food for the family. However, providing for other basic needs such as health care, clothes, school supplies, and tuition is a big challenge. Rose has always worked hard in school. Unfortunately, she misses school sometimes due to unpaid tuition and the lack of school supplies. She was put on the Imani Milele child sponsorship program for her education to be supported. Your love, prayers, and sponsorship will help provide for Rose’s tuition and also a meal at school.