Rosemary Kisakye - 1 of 5 Shares Sponsored

Rosemary Kisakye

Center Kamusenene Center

Age 14

First Name Rosemary

Last Name Kisakye

Date Of Birth 2009-08-16

Gender Female

Favorite Subject Drawing

Favorite Activity Dancing

Favorite Color Blue

Rosemary is the first born of the two children in her family having one brother and no sister.  She stays with both her parents and siblings in a small one roomed house.  The parents are very poor peasants who struggle a lot to cater for the whole family.  Regardless of how much they try, all is in vain because they don’t earn a regular income and if they manage to earn any, it is usually small.  Rosemary has a chest problem so when she stands, she doesn’t stand straight.  She isn’t on any kind of medication because her parents are incapable of meeting her medical bills.  Her attendance of classes is also irregular due to her parents’ failure of paying her tuition and school requirements.