Sandra Ayoo - 1 of 5 Shares Sponsored

Sandra Ayoo

Center Lagutu Center

Age 10

First Name Sandra

Last Name Ayoo

Date Of Birth 2013-06-07

Gender Female

Favorite Subject Numbers

Favorite Activity Playing with toys

Favorite Color White

Sandra is the seventh born in a family of four boys and three girls. Sandra lost her father to AIDS and her mother and the children were forced to leave their home by her father's family.    The mother and her children moved to the grandparents’ house. The all stay in 3 small grass thatched huts made of mud and bamboo. They sleep on papyrus leaves laid on a dirt floor, covering themselves with worn out clothes. The mother is jobless and not in position to provide for her children’s needs. Sandra loves school but she often lacks tuition and school supplies. Her life can be changed if she is sponsored and afforded the opportunity of an education, along with proper food, clothing and medication.  Please consider sponsoring this young child.