Sarah Namuli - 4 of 4 Shares Sponsored

Sarah Namuli

Center Lusaka Center

Age 25

First Name Sarah

Last Name Namuli

Date Of Birth 1999-03-11

Gender Female

Favorite Subject Mathematics

Favorite Activity Reading Novels

Favorite Color Purple

First Name Sarah

Sarah, the fourth born in her family has two sisters and one brother. Sarah lost her mom when she was one month old. Her dad married different women who often abused Sarah and her siblings. At an early age, Sarah together with 2 of her sisters were rescued by Imani Milele. They were given the opportunity to attend school and a home to live in. Sarah is talented in singing and dancing. She has traveled on tour with the Imani Milele Choir in 2015 and 2018 respectively.  Sarah has always worked hard in school and scores good grades. Given an education, her future will be bright.