Sarah Nayebare - 2 of 4 Shares Sponsored

Sarah Nayebare

Center Rwenjiri Center

Age 22

Sarah comes from a very remote village of Rwenjiri in Mubende district (western Uganda).  Before she was rescued by Imani Milele, she was with her family of 5 children living an extremely hard life of sleeping on a dirt floor in a mud and bamboo house, drinking dirty water, walking a long distance to school, poor medical care among others. Her parents still struggle to provide for the family because they are unemployed but grow crops on a small scale basically for food. Attending school for a complete semester was quite hard due to unpaid tuition and lack of school requirements. Her life has extremely improved and her hope restored since she was brought to live at one of the Imani Milele homes. She is well behaved girl, good at singing and African dances.