Sarah Ndagire - 2 of 5 Shares Sponsored

Sarah Ndagire

Center Kitongo Center

Age 12

First Name Sarah

Last Name Ndagire

Date Of Birth 2011-08-15

Gender Female

Favorite Subject Drawing

Favorite Activity Playing with dolls

Favorite Color Pink

Sarah is the fifth born in a family of five children and has three brothers and one sister.  Her father abandoned the family, leaving the mother in poverty. He married another woman and does not support Sarah or her siblings. The responsibility of providing for all the children’s needs lies on Sarah’s mom. Sarah’s mother chose to take Sarah to her aunt because she was unable to provide for all her children’s needs. All Sarah’s aunt manages to do is feed Sarah with the crops she grows in her small garden. Sarah is one of many children with no tuition or school supplies yet she loves school when she is able to attend. Her performance in class can become better if she attends school regularly. This can be possible with your sponsorship and will enable Sarah to reach her goal of becoming a nurse.




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