Sulait Kaye - 0 of 6 Shares Sponsored

Sulait Kaye

Center Kitongo Center

Age 20

First Name Sulait

Last Name Kaye

Date Of Birth 2004-01-18

Gender Male

Favorite Subject Mathematics

Favorite Activity Soccer

Favorite Color Red

Sulait is the second born of four children in his family who are all boys.  His parents are separated and the father does not provide any support to the family. Sulait's mother carries the entire responsibility of providing for her children.  The income she earns does not supply   for the children’s basic needs such as food on a daily basis, clothing them and giving them medication in case of any illness.  Paying for their tuition and school supplies is impossible for her.  Your support will guarantee Sulait being able to attend school on a regular basis and become a teacher which is his goal in life.