Sylvia Nantumbwe - 1 of 6 Shares Sponsored

Sylvia Nantumbwe

Center Kitongo Center

Age 16

First Name Sylvia

Last Name Nantumbwe

Date Of Birth 2007-08-20

Gender Female

Favorite Subject Literacy

Favorite Activity Netball

Favorite Color Pink

Sylvia is the third born of the four children in her family who are all girls.  She stays with her uncle but both her parents are alive and live together.  They stay in Kampala, the capital city of Uganda where they are currently staying trying to earn money.  When they manage to get a little money, they send to Sylvia’s uncle to help him provide for her needs.  It becomes Sylvia’s uncle’s responsibility to provide for her needs in case the parents fail.  He is a peasant who grows a few crops and sometimes sells off the harvest to get money.  The income earned is always little insufficient to meet most of Sylvia’s basic necessities.  Her urgent need is tuition so that she can be in position to work towards her dream and she is a smart girl who often emerges as the best student in her class.