Vicky Aol - 0 of 5 Shares Sponsored

Vicky Aol

Center Lagutu Center

Age 13

First Name Vicky

Last Name Aol

Date Of Birth 2010-07-04

Gender Female

Favorite Subject Mathematics

Favorite Activity Rope Skipping

Favorite Color Pink

Vicky is the fourth born in a family of four girls.  Her father is a drunkard who abandoned the children to their mother. The family lives in a grass thatched mud and bamboo hut. They use papyrus leaves laid on a dirt floor as their beds. The family grows their own food in a small garden.  In a good season, the mother is able to sell a portion of the harvest for other needs such as laundry soap, salt, kerosene, and sugar. The little money earned is always insufficient to pay for Vicky’s tuition and school supplies. In return, Vicky is unable to attend school on a regular basis.  With your support, Vicky will be able to achieve regular school attendance, reaching her goal of a teacher.