Teopista Nampijja - 0 of 6 Shares Sponsored

Teopista Nampijja

Center Kamusenene Center

Age 20

First Name Teopista

Last Name Nampijja

Date Of Birth 2003-05-07

Gender Female

Favorite Subject Mathematics

Favorite Activity Singing

Favorite Color Blue

Teopista is the fourth born in a family of eight children. She has five brothers and two sisters. She and her siblings stay with both their parents who grow a few crops on a small piece of land for food. A typical meal may be comprised of plantain, beans or sweet potatoes with green vegetables. Long droughts in the area have always left the crops dry and this puts many families at the risk of starving. Being unemployed, Teopista’s parents find a lot of difficulties providing health care, cloths, and bedding. Despite the long distance that she walks to school, Teopista feels bad when she has to stay home due to unpaid tuition and lack of school supplies. Sponsoring her in school is the way forward to rescuing her future.